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Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

In Sept./05 I was diagnosed with Primary Mediastinal Large Diffuse B Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. The tumour in my chest measured 10cm x 10.6cm x5cm. After I completed 6 rounds of CHOP-R chemotherapy, a CT Scan in Jan.06 showed that my tumour had decreased by well over half the original size. A Gallium Scan showed negative for cancer cells in my mass. We decided to do 2 more treatments to be sure we killed any remaining cancer. We now had to decide if I should proceed with radiation. Did the risks of radiation outweigh the benefits? My hematologist and radiation oncologist had excellent arguments for both sides of the coin. The decision was to be mine. They set up appointments for me to see doctors in Toronto and Vancouver for 2nd opinions. In Vancouver I had a PET/CT Scan (a superior machine to a Gallium Scan) to see if my tumour was active. On March 17th this scan revealed that my tumour WAS still active and had INCREASED in size from an early scan. This meant that I had Relapsed or Refractory best chance for cure was a Stem Cell Transplant. In my blog, I will describe what I am going through before, during and after my transplant.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today's Blood Work

My Liver enzymes LDH measurement has dropped to 263....getting closer to normal. (98-192) This is a positive thing, however I wish it would happen quicker than it is.
My White Count dropped to my GCSF injections have worn off.(normal is 4.5-11) There are two major types of White Cells. Lymphocytes produce antibodies, specific proteins that attack and help destroy specific germs. They are especially important in fighting viral infections, like colds and flu. The second major one is Neutrophils. They play a key role in the body's defense against invading bacteria by destroying invading organisms. My ANC (neutrophil count) is 918....I need to bet it above 1000 do my collection & to receive any treatment.
Platlets are normal. (very good)
My Hemoglobin has dropped to 84....below 80 I need a transfusion.
My bone marrow is being kind of slow getting my counts back to where they should be. However, I still have time on my hands until the collection process it should all still be Ok. I just have to be very careful not to get an infection or other illness while my whites are low. These low counts do make me nervous...I feel vulnerable at times like this as any little thing could make me sick & complicate this whole process. I constantly wash my hands & use hand cleaner to exercise some control over this situation. I also have to stay away from crowds whenever possible and definitely avoid any one who is sick.

I was at work for a couple hours this afternoon, prior to finding out my counts. It was very productive & it felt good to be doing something "Normal".


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